
I haven't been everywhere but it's on my list. ~ Susan Sontag

Monday, February 6, 2012

Time To Say Goodbye

With just 3 weeks (22 days) left in Korea, it's time for me to start my goodbye process. Goodbyes are never really easy.

When I left Durban International airport 2 years ago, the family was a hot mess of tears until my favourite flamboyant aunt with no social etiquette rocked up screaming: "WHO DIED??? He's only going overseas, he's not going to another planet. He'll be back!!!" I think that made everyone just cry more.

Closing a chapter in ones life is never easy. I've been 'busy' for the past 3 months preparing myself for what lies ahead.

Things I have done so far:

1. Sent 6 boxes home with clothes. I don't plan to sell / give away any of my clothes. A fashionista's weapon is his fashion-conscious mind and without clothes he is weak.

2. Booked my ticket to Cambodia as part of my journey home.

3. About 75% of my household stuff is sold. I still have a few more things I need to sell. Check out my for sale album on facebook!

4. Given things away. Scrapbook stuff, stationery, books etc.

Things I still need to do:

1. Send more boxes home. I still have a lot of things to send and I really don't mind. I just wish they didn't take 3 months.

2. Book my ticket from Thailand to South Africa. That will be the final leg of my trip home.

3. Sell or give away more things. It's sad how much useless stuff we accumulate in our apartments.

4. Cancel cellphone contract, close bank accounts etc.

5. Start packing!

6. Buy gifts and more souvenirs for family. I'm a souvenir freak.

7. Buy gifts for co-teachers, VP and P.

I will miss this place. 

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