
I haven't been everywhere but it's on my list. ~ Susan Sontag

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Ok so we've all been here and we've all done this but how many of us actually follow through with our resolutions? Lose weight? study harder? You know, all the cliches. 2011 has been a great year for me but I don't think I've done enough. Well, that's the thing about Korea, you have to be careful not to get into a comfort zone. Comfort zones are dangerous! Once again I will make a list and try to work through it throughout the year and not just squeeze it in at the last minute (i.e. October- December). 

So... what did I do last year that counts as a fulfilled resolution? 

At Universal Studios- Sentosa Island, Singapore. 
* Traveled- Around Korea, but also to China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and  Singapore. 

* Joined the gym again. Went for 4 months then started working out at home.
Getting ready for a massage on a
beach in Penang, Malaysia. 

* Lived it up. Rollercoasting, skiing, body massages, fancy restaurants, shopping.

*  *  * 

Well with today being the second day of the New Year and my BIRTHDAY, here is a list of my resolutions for 2012. 

1. Exercise more. 

2. Spend more time with friends in South Africa, I've been away for way too long! 

3. Reconnect with old friends. (Related to No.2) Make time to have a quick cup of coffee or send a text saying hi. Basically just maintaining the friendship. 

4. Travel through Africa. First stop Mozambique for those glorious beaches! 

5. Do more to help local communities in my city. I worked with a few NGO's in my last year at University so I'd like to rejoin them with a new perspective on life. 

6. Get a job!

7. Get more acquainted with my city i.e. continue being the socialite that I am in Korea. Try more restaurants, go to more theater shows etc. 

8. Start dancing again (Latin & Ballroom). Although I've gone Salsa dancing in Korea, it's not exactly what I enjoy. 

9. Focus more on my personal life. Not just friendships, but also relationships. Back when I was a student I was always really busy and had no time (or money) to go out all the time. As a result, I couldn't meet new people. Definitely changing that this year! 

10. Spend less, save more. 

11. Live more. Korea has been a great experience for me and I hope to continue livin' it up this year. 

Happy New Year Ya'll!


  1. Also, you have to come visit us in Cape Town. better yet, come live in Cape Town!

  2. Definitely trying to find a job there!
